Project Marina Posidonio
Final Business Plan
November '23

The privatization of some major tourist ports upgraded significantly the level of their services, advertising Greece in the best way abroad

In order to develop the tourism industry, Greece has set as one of its priorities the strengthening of the marine tourism especially cruising and yachting.

Real Estate Santorini Greece Sale Rent marina poseidonio
Real Estate Santorini Greece Sale Rent 23123

Marine Tourism

With the term "Marine Tourism“ we refer to the form of tourism in which the sea is the basic criteria of distinction, the main difference in relation to mass - holiday tourism and with all other special - alternative forms of tourism (winter, religious, conference etc.).

Marina requirements

Within a well-organized marina beyond the piers, fixed and floating several other services are provided such as: wintering area and boat parking, electricity, water, filling station in fuel, travel lifts and trailers, speedboat, escort boat, diving services, car parking, security services rescue station and fire station, control tower, reception desk, porter outpost and customs office, guest house, post office services, information center, security luggage, restaurant and cafeteria, commercial a shops and super market, playground, swimming pool, sports and conference facilities center, ATM machine, rental services cars and boats, shipping and tourism agency, watercourse, inspection station lifesaving equipment, sanitary facilities and baths, washers and dryers, medical supplies, Wi-Fi internet and call center services, VHF communication, satellite television , battery chargers, services waste receipt and management, collection or and waste recycling, even a station tackling marine pollution.

Also, in a marina it is possible to provide a wide range of technical services such as boat cleaning, reef-painting, repairs and maintenance. It is noted that, all matters concerning the operation of a tourist port(marina), are mentioned with clarity in its Operating Regulations Port, for which the crew and passengers of the vessel must be informed.

Marina Posidonio

Technical Design Information

According to the official Planning Approval by Ministerial Decision No 27195/GG414/31.12.2014 as being amended in 2023, the Investor (Management Body) is obliged to proceed with the permitting and construction of works of the Yacht Shelter (and not Marina) as described therein:

Sea works
  • Steady dock – 245 m
  • Floating breakwater – 15m
  • Floating pontoons - 140m
  • Floating dock for temporary boat mooring - 400m2
  • Floating small size boat ramp - (3x15)m
  • Permanent anchorage - 120m
  • Electromechanical installations for 130 berths
  • Firefighting equipment
  • Holding tank
  • Security and control systems
Building and Land works
  • Building no1 - 250m2 (Restroom for NOATH
  • including a small canteen)
  • Building no2 - 650m2 (Boat Storage Shed)
  • Land area configuration -4.000m2
  • Electromechanical installations for buildings
Real Estate Santorini Greece Sale Rent 233123

Land area – 8.672,35m²
“Nautical Club” area – 3.494,14m²
Sea area - 49.389m²

Real Estate Santorini Greece Sale Rent 23123 1

The Marina Location & Surrounding Area

Real Estate Santorini Greece Sale Rent 2355123

1- New City Marina & Yachting Club
2- Concert Hall Buildings M1
3- Concert Hall - Conference Building M2 - with parking facility
4- Posidonio Athletic Centre - with parking facility
5- Municipal parking facility
6- Residential area of the highest property value

Real Estate Santorini Greece Sale Rent 233333123

Port Basin view from the main land area to the Conference Hall

Real Estate Santorini Greece Sale Rent 2319923
The port basin and land area is next to an unused, publicly owned, area with potential further investment opportunities in the following years
Real Estate Santorini Greece Sale Rent 2377123
The existing threat of a global economic crisis leaves us no room for postponement for development
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